The Experience 

Get to meet yourself in a way you haven't before and be prepared to fall in love with yourself all over again

Clarity is a great part of my work.
Because with clarity comes saftey.
And safety is a profound feeling that should be with you the whole time when you interact with me. Even in reading this website.

I want you to feel empowered, inspired and safe

Therefore I want you to be crystal clear about what you get and what a shooting includes. 

Scroll down to see the structures and the outline of a shooting and the deeper intentional meaning behind it.

But let's not forget:
Every shootings is indiviual and unique.
Let your imagination enough room for the magic that comes along with this experience.

The Elements of a shooting

  1. Deep Dive Call
  2. Cacao Tune In
  3. The shooting itself
  4. Selection Gallery
  5. the final pictures

Every Shooting includes a Deep Dive Call that takes place 2-3 weeks before the actual shooting happens. You will receive a questionnaire to prepare yourself for the Call and with your answers given I can already tune into the your energy and the shooting before we meet. This is important for you to have the time to feel into the shooting for several days ahead and get the intention for your shooting crystal clear.

In the Call we make a fine tuning of that and connect to your inner essence trough meditation and embodiment. We bring you from the head into the body and heart, so your heart can speak.

We will find the location for your spot and make a preselection of your shooting outfits that will match your energy.

You will get the time to voice any fears or blockages that hold you back from going into full embodiment. We will bust those for your full unleashing.

You will leave the call grounded, with all the clarity that is needed for your nervous system to feel calm and safe for the shooting. This is important, so you can relax even more into your energy- no need to worry about anything.

Afterwards you will receive an e-mail with all the instructions that you need and then there is only one thing left to do:

Be overexcited for your shooting day

1. Deep Dive Call

2. Cacao Tune In

The spirit of Cacao is grounding, heart opening and nourishing in its essence. But it will always bring you whatever it is that you need right now to open up your heart completely and to surrender to the divine flow.

To start a shooting with Cacao is just pure bliss and another piece of the puzzle to make this shooting a whole success. We both want you completely opened up and in embodiment of your divine essence. And Cacao is your perfect guide for that.

So after we arrive at the shooting location, you will already put on your first outfit and then we settle down to drink the Cacao and tune into the energy of the location and the shooting with a meditation. This way all your nervous energy and fears can be calmed and it is way easier to get into the embodiment of yourself.

After you voiced and claimed your intention for the shooting aloud we will slowly ease into taking the first pictures. Everything will be highly intuitive and a perfect fit for you, your energy and this particular shooting.

3. The shooting itself

The Shooting itself is for most of the woman the most exciting part and the one that you instantly think about when you hear about photoshootings. Since it is obviously the part where the pictures are taken. But the success of this part is linked to the work that has been done beforehand.

In my shootings, when we start taking the pictures, you are very clear and grounded in your intention and your own energy. Of course at the beginning you might still feel a little blocked to drop into your body and be completely present with yourself and forget about the camera. But that is nothing that a few deep breaths can’t fix. Thanks to the Opening Ceremony with Cacao you have a very stable connection to your heart to begin with, so it will be even easier to let go and let yourself flow trough the process.

I am with you the entire time. And I don’t only mean that I am with you there physically, but also emotionally. You have my full attention. I am there if you are stuck in your head, and I guide you back into your body. I am there to give you advice regarding natural posing and movement. But in the end all the advice that I give is only advice and I want you to listen to your body and intuition first and foremost. And once you have grooved yourself into the flow of the shoot and the music, everything will flow naturally. The last hesitation and walls will drop, and you get to be present in all your glorious, divine essence.

This is the part where you get to play and to embody and just do whatever you like without holding yourself back. You get to flirt with the camera or just ignore it and move intuitively with your eyes closed. It is your shooting. You decide. But I am always there to give you the safe space to truly express yourself and I will do my best to tickle out that juicy divine essence of yours. I am your partner in crime, ready to try something new and funny and daring. I am here to cheer you on, while you let the walls crumble and dance away in that delicious feeling of freedom and liberation.

These hours will be the ones that stay with you forever, captured in the images to be revisited again over time.

I am always full of excitement and a special kind of joy to send out the gallerys from my shootings. I smile a secret smile, because I know that the woman at the other side will be completely blown away by what she will experience.

That moment where you open the gallery for the first time is a very special one. Because you haven`t seen the pictures yet. Not knowing yet what beauty awaits you on the other side. And then you open them, and it will shatter you completely.

Because what you get to see is not the way that you see yourself. It is not the woman you see looking into the mirror. But a powerful woman in her unique power.

I myself have been trough a big emotional process opening up my own gallerys. Excitement of course. Anticipation. A little dread and fear. And then the realization: OMG. This woman. That is me. Shock. Amazement. Tears. Joy. Disbelief. Gratitude.

We are woman. Emotions are our secret superpower. Because oh what a power there is in feeling all of that.
And yes, all of that. The process. The way they flow into each other. That is beautiful. That is healing.The most beautiful of healing. Because we witness how our own beliefs about how ugly we are, just disappear with the existing proof of the opposite. The destructive pattern has no ground to blossom any longer.

But yes, it could also be that you look at the pictures and see only the things you dislike. Goddess, that needs healing. And yes, I have got you covered here. I do not wish to leave you alone with the heavy feelings. That’s why I offer different kinds of reflection sessions after our shootings. We give those emotions room and say them goodbye in an energy healing session. But we will get into detail about that later.

The gallery also includes some images that are already edited, so you get a clearer idea about the final results.

In your selection gallery you go and favorize all the pictures that you like to get edited. You can either choose the included amount of pictures in your booked package or choose more than that and book one of the photo packages on top. After your selection is done you press the button “Submit to Photographer” and I will instantly know your chosen favorites and start editing. Within 1-2 weeks you will receive your fully edited images.

4. The Selection gallery

5. The final pictures

The final pictures are the alchemized product of all the steps that have happened before. It is the sweet nectar. The harvest at the end of the process.

Since I work as a photographer I can appreciate how much work flows into a picture. How much energy is needed to create such art. You don’t only press a button. Or put a nice preset over the picture. All the preparation that has come before is the crucial difference between a nice picture and one that is bursting with emotion. One that is telling a story and triggers an emotional reaction for the person who looks at it.

It takes a long way and many hours of work to eventually send out the final pictures. Yet I am always beyond proud and every minute is so worth is. Because as I said: They are the sweet nectar. The alchemized gold. They are an anchor and door opener to the energy that was embodied during the shooting. One look at them and you are back into that energy. You can use them as an everyday reminder to how you want to feel and what you want to embody. A reminder to your own power and to proudly express that. To stand tall and own your essence.

Those final pictures- They are powerful and should not be underestimated in their power. Because they tell your story. And I am beyond happy when my art is shared, because it is the silent revolution I am bringing into this world. A revolution expressed trough pictures, that tell the story of liberated woman standing in their power. And everyone who sees them is hopefully reminded and activated in a way that pushes this revolution forward. Until the expression of our divine essence is all we see in this world.

Ready to experience the magic?

Inquire here