To the hidden depths of pure gold of your inner self.
Let us journey to your divine essence.
And let us make this journey one of a kind.
Photography has only entered my life in summer 2022. But it has brought a tremendous change to my life ever since. For me it felt like the juicy nectar of all my work that I have done before. Everything is falling to its place and with the photography I have found something so precious that I didn't even now was missing from my life.
But regardless of that I still work as an energy healer and all my additional offers are also available without having done a photoshooting with me
Or as a magical Add-On to your photoshooting.
You can easily work online with me in a multiple of ways.
I believe in a divine source.
I believe that we all are powerful creators of our own life.
I believe that we can live in complete devotion to life and our own body and self.
By honouring the gifts we have been given and by embodying who our soul choosed us to be in this incarnation.
My Approach is simple.
Yet we have forgotten what it truly means to be close to ourselves and our divine essence.
It's a path we all have to explore for ourselves. Some stuff works for us. Other doesn't.
But what never gets old for me is to befriend the own soul and emotions.
And to get help and support by other beings that support us in this special quest.
Support that really calls to us and feels truly aligned with ourselves and our values.
Message me to find out about the next basic seminar 1.
It would be my humble honor to be that someone for you.
I bring all my experience in this mentoring. In this journey. We will look at your Human Design and Astrology Charts, bath in the heart opening bliss of cacao, do somatic exercises to regulate your nervous system and go on deep healing journeys with DeltaCure.